Name my buck
I got this buck from my wife for Christmas. We like to shoot at it.
The results so far...
- Uncle Buck
- Buckerle
- Buckmeister
- default
- Ed
- reassuringly
- buckminster
- Impossiblebucker
- glowy
- Buckweiser
- Poop McGee
- <a href="http://localhost" onclik="alert('ok)"></a>
- @
- [
- ''
- 8
- labo_soanata
- Buck yeah
- Buckington
- Motherbucker
How did that happen?
First we have a model to store in our database called BuckName.
It inherits everything from the ActiveRecord class, which has all we need to create objects and save them to the database.
Ruby code
class BuckName < ActiveRecord::Base
Now that we have the model, we need a controller to do the magic behind the page.
The view passes parameters to the controller, which updates the instance variables available in the view logic.
We can pass the name to the controller, and the controller sends back all your bucks in instance variable @bucks.
class BuckController < ApplicationController
def index
name = params[:name]
if name and !name.blank?
buck = BuckName.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => name})
if buck
buck.votes += 1
buck = BuckName.create({:name => name, :votes => 1})
flash[:notice] = 'You voted for ' + name
@bucks = BuckName.find(:all, :order => 'votes DESC')
def set_title
@title = 'Name my buck'
Now we only need to iterate through @bucks, which the controller has carefully sorted by the number of votes.
Ruby has a fun iterator for this, each do
@bucks.each do |buck|
Rails code
The rails is pretty easy from here, don't you think?
<h1>Name my buck</h1>
<p>I got this buck from my wife for Christmas. We like to shoot at it.</p>
<img src="/images/buck.jpg"> </br>
<% form_tag :action => 'index' do %>
<p>Name my buck
<%= text_field_tag 'name', @name %>
<%= submit_tag 'Vote' %></p>
<% end %>
<h2>The results so far...</h2>
<% @bucks.each do |buck| %>
<li><%=h %></li>
<% end %>